Tuesday, August 20, 2013

The Static of Life...

Those of us who have been around a while, often come to the realization that the static of life can get overwhelming, the demands become too much and we find that instead of making "the difficulty choices",  we find ourselves trying to please...   That placing one foot  in front of the other seems to drag the other back and instead of getting further ahead, we find ourselves dragging our behind....  Sound familiar?

Sometimes we just need to find ourselves alone with our own thoughts, on our own time, in our own space..   This is easier said than done as the world often comes crashing in with a vengeance and we find that time is allusive.

It is vital that we find time for ourselves.  To find that time to listen to our own sense of self.  To pay attention to our own needs, our own wants and our own dreams...  Maybe it is important to pay attention to ourselves; to reconnect with what is important.  Maybe it is important to hear ones own voice in the wind and take the time to revitalize our mind, our body and our spirit...  

Maybe it is important to reconnect with who we were and more importantly who we are as we grow into who we will be..

Sometimes, it helps to put yourself in natures care.  Things do not seem so gigantic then.  I find The ocean makes one realize how insignificant our troubles can be in relation to the whole and the hot sand how significant a moment can be.

Earlier today I watched a young girl find her solitude on the early morning beach.  I felt as if I were intruding on her special time...  I gave her, her space and careful not to intrude, I made my way around another point.  It led me into a jungle covered path away from the beach.   Here too was solitude.  I realized that one could find peace of mind anywhere if given the opportunity.  The key was to identify it, acknowledge it, and then accept it.... 

On my return I walked past the point where I first saw the young girl...  In her place was a mermaid made of sand.   The water slowly washing away at the form and I wondered what figure was true...  And wondered what essence would transpire the next time I walked in solitude and found self in the Essences and Solitude  of another....

In order to keep true to our nature, we must keep true to ourselves... 

As I find myself far away from the Rocky Mountains I find that one can find that truth most anywhere, if one cares to look; in the Rocky Mountains, the jungle of a distant island or the golden beach of the Hawaiian sand...

I find there is significant truth in the saying, "No matter where you go, you have to take yourself along.." and, "If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."

As you contemplate todays journey, may you enjoy your own company and have a purpose in your travels...  So until tomorrow, this Reservation Recluse wishes you safe passage.  The decisions you make today will be the foundations of your tomorrow..  I have made mine, now go make yours

Until later, Mahalo

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