Many of us are wondering where our next two cents are coming from in an environment where no one seems to be willing to give two cents about anything.
It makes a person question if it is worth giving two cents about something that makes absolutely no sense at all…
So whom does one trust when people who should have sense, make no sense, and are making rules that are nonsensical?
We might as well listen to some old timer’s non-sense. Their words, good as they were, are as good now as they were then..
We might as well listen to some old timer’s non-sense. Their words, good as they were, are as good now as they were then..
Moreover, there appears to be a lot of truth in them thar words…. Let’s take a look and you tell me…
Don’t shoot anyone unless they need killen, and don’t kill anyone that don’t deserve to be shot. As far as everything else goes, If ya kilt it yesterday ya don’t have to worry about killen it today… just make sure it doesn’t get up and move somewhere else.
Remember, the worst thing about hunting is the gutten and the cleaning…
So, be careful what ya shoot… Ya can hunt any damn thing ya want to… as long as ya keep your rifle to your shoulder and your “gun” out of your hand.. They say it can make ya go blind if ya forget….
Some things just arn’t for sale and your word is all ya got, so don’t go flinging it around everywhere ya go…
Ya walk tall, cast a long shadow and remember where ya come from because if ya don’t, you never know where ya are or where you’re going.
Once ya saddle up for the brand, there ain’t no changing horses. So it pays to, Talk less and listen more. But, ya may be called to backed it up with a good eye and a straight shot; whether that is three fingers of Jack or a .45 cal. Colt.
So remember, you are all ya got to take to the dance, so ya had better learn what to do with your two left feet.
Until later... Keep your socks dry, your boots well oiled and your underwear from runnen up your ass.
All is good…. As God, helps those who help themselves so long as you just don’t help yourself to other peoples stuff. And, you just might “keep yur hair from being parted in the middle and your ass free of buckshot…
Keep yur britches on when running out the window of yur neighbor’s house, as hospitality doesn’t extend past the first floor…
Therefore, as the good lord says, “go forth and multiply”, just don’t forget the adden and subtracten along with it… Keep the birds in their own nest and the bees in their hive… together well; they have a tendency to get one more biology than math…
Sometimes adden one to another does equal three, especially when the rabbit dies…. And, they call it multiplication… go figure huh? Where I come from, they just call it hunten…. And what ya bag, ya gotta eat…
Then again, a bird in the hand is worth ------. Ok, I’m not going there…. I think this has gotten out of hand as it is, and don’t nobody need no eduaction in gardenen….
Until later.. Give what you are doing some thought…. It doesn’t cost anything and it may be worth your time and energy…. Besides, sense you don’t listen to anyone else anyway….
Maybe you need to start listening to yourself.
That inner voice you turned down low… Yeah, that one… I think it has something important to say.
You just might make more sense than what one has been hearing outside nowadays…
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