Life Works - Sometimes It doesn’t…. Then Fix It…
Or No Matter Where You Go .. There You Are....
“What I’ve done and where I have been makes me into who I am but what I do today shapes who I will become.”
Are we worth it? I happen to believe we are…. Life Works!
Yes, I too believe that life throws us curve balls and sometimes we get one thrown straight to the head. That does not mean life doesn’t work. It only says we have some decisions to make and sometimes that decision is to get out of the way….
OK, sometimes we may move right into the path of a speeding bullet and yes, sometimes, Bad Things Do Happen To Good People. There is even a book with that title… It is a little about people and a lot about faith…. Check it out. Faith works too...
Who told you that in order for life to work you have to have all things your way, all of the time? And is Faith the same as Hope? Or is it a couple of steps beyond hope and more into the realm of DO? Faith cashes the check at the bank and it is predicated on action and belief… Ok, I’m being just a little unfair - but just part of the time… Unfair that is…
I am not saying life does not have its rough spots or that everything is all “roses and sunshine”. I am saying “life works” and it is up to us to “work it”.
People do not always do the “right” thing. What may be “right” for others may definitely be "wrong" for you… It is not up to others to make it “right” for YOU. It is up to YOU to make the decision if “all” is right for your world.
Whether it is in a relationship, a job or just hanging around with friends, it is up to YOU to make it work for YOU; not someone else.
It is about knowing yourself, setting boundaries, living your life to its fullest everyday and not critiquing others. Just because life, in its present state, does not set right with you, it does not mean others are wrong, wicked, evil, or vile. It might mean you are not paying enough attention to you, your needs and your responsibilities…
Too often, we wait for someone else to fill the hole we have developed ourselves… While waiting for that need to be fulfilled, the hole gets bigger. We start to become bitter and angry. We become caustic, finding fault with everyone around us; demanding others meet our standards. Consequently, we push people way while fighting with our own shadows.
Living life to the fullest means making decisions for YOURSELF, every day:
It means taking responsibility for YOU. It means identifying and setting one’s own boundaries without blaming others for not meeting your standards or for not being who you want them to be. It means doing what you need to do every day. It means you are not waiting around for someone else to change…
It means grabbing the brass ring, which is in front of you, and leaving the parasites behind. It means developing confidence in you by taking responsibility for your thoughts, your actions and your beliefs… It means taking that step towards your future, even when faced with fear and insecurity.
It means doing what you have to do to make LIFE work.
To do this, you need to keep your hand on the helm. You need to sail a Steady and True course. The problem is, we often expect clear skies and calm waters. We become afraid of the swells. Even the current frightens us, so we wait…
Eventually, we forget what we are waiting for. We only know we are not satisfied and that dissatisfaction builds upon itself. It grows exponentially and eventually, all we have in the bank is a $1,000,000.00 worth of misery…
It is easy to sit and watch life pass by. It is easy to build upon the negative of what we don’t have. It is easy to focus on how hard everything is or how unfair the world has become. It is easy to focus on how disrespectful someone else is and how that someone degrades others and us. It is easy to be victimized when we do so well at playing the victim….
It is difficult to look in the mirror, only to find the person who is victimizing you may be you.
Sometime today, take time to take a good look in the mirror... Whom do you see? Do you like the person who is looking back? Are you an accumulation of all that has happened in the past or are you a product of all that you are doing today?
You cannot change the past but today is YOURS and it builds a strong foundation on tomorrow.
“There is HOPE in the future if there is Will today.”
It’s all about choice and the choice is YOURS… Can you make the decision to leave all the negativity behind? Will you start today? It does not matter what IT is, the formula and steps are the same….
As some ole Cowboy has already said, “It’s not the cards you have been dealt that matters, it’s how you play your hand.”
As always, it’s a choice… I’ve made mine… Will you make yours? You may find that, “It’s never too late to start, nor too early to change directions.” Something, General Custer should have said at the Little Big Horn…
I think it’s time for this Reservation Recluse to refocus and regroup. Is it time for YOU? Maybe it is. Your future awaits and your presents beacons…
Until next time, a cowboy lament…. “As you take a step into the saddle, listen for the jingle of the spurs while you burn up the prairie miles… It will keep you company and give you solace, knowing your “ass” is deep in the saddle”…
It’s all about the journey… “Life Works”
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