Thursday, June 20, 2013

Of Vampires and Wolves -Possibilities and Intentions

Of Vampires and Wolves -Possibilities and Intentions

Maybe a Good Night after all

A fifth of tequila, a 40 caliber Glock, a set of cuffs and a handful of 100 dollar bills… What was missing were the two twenty-year-old Vampires. The Wolf was already in the room. It is an age-old story; the saga between two sets of immortals… Each needing the other to survive, yet the struggle is ageless… As the story goes, only one leaves the world intact… Later that night, well after midnight, the two Vampires arrive. They enter the room. Eyes glance towards the tequila and cuffs near the bed. The youngest Vampire moves towards the nightstand, picks up and seductively plays with the Glock. The Wolf looks into the endless pool of the oldest Vampires eyes. He is drawn closer. She smiles. The Dance begins!

We fight this battle between Possibility and Intention every day. We don’t always recognize it and we don’t always understand it but we do fight it. The battle between what we feel we have to do and what we believe is right to do…. Sometimes in the struggle, we forget the reality of the situation and we are pulled into the seductive distortion of making what we do right because the end goal, our focus is just…. It is there we take the next step onto the platform of the DarkSide. It pulls us, not gently but seductively with Passion and Intention. We believe Possibilities are endless… It is Deceiving, it is Enticing and it is Addictive… We do things we never believed we would. We take ourselves places we never thought we could. It is here we transform. It is here we begin to lose who we are. Yet the step into the DarkSide is a choice. It is afterwards that the choice goes away and coldness of the Dark takes over.

It gets easier with time. We actually find some seductive pull from it. There is power. There is grace and yet there is no structure to the form. It is a dance of a 1000 veils. The allusion of what we all want to believe, at least for a fleeting moment; that we are of value, we are important and we are desired. It is here the Vampire and the Wolf walk within the same moon-filled night. It is the Twilight of the hour. It is here in gaining independence and power we become controlled. Paid for, not by a handful of $20’s but by fragments from our soul and it is here, at the time we become good at the deception that we know we have to leave; to walk away from the DarkSide and step into the Light. If we do not, the transformation becomes permanent and finding our way back almost an impossibility; yes, Possibilities and Intentions. In the Light, these take on new dimensions and new meaning.

It is here we have the opportunity to walk towards new beginnings and forge ahead into new avenues of Trust, Responsibility, and Truth. To whom do we owe these? We owe it to ourselves first. Only then we can claim ownership in order to give to others. Truth, we find within. Responsibility, lies within the relationships we form and Trust, we find in the relationships we choose to develop. Yet, to do this we need time and opportunity to tell our story. It is through the telling of the story we make sence of where we have been and end the probability of defaulting to the seduction of past skills and seemingly easy pathways. Yet telling our story is difficult. We tend to move away from the difficult for fear of falling back into its vortex. It is the Paradox of control and Intention, closing Possibilities…

As always, it’s a choice… Is it time for you to make one? I have made mine. Will you make yours? A handful of 20’s or your soul? I know, at least the 20’s you can see. But stop; take a close look inside… the soul you can feel… It’s your choice… I have faith, do You?

Until later, this reservation recluse is going to reload, buy a bottle of good tequila, and head for a dimly lit motel room. It is becoming dark and the moon is full…. Of Vampires and Wolves – Possibilities and Intentions

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The Short And Long Of It All

Or the Rise and Fall of Impotent Decisions….

Does the penis discriminate? Ok, so you don’t think that is a good question but really how much of a military regime does it have? Does it stand readily at attention or does it fall too easily, “at easy” soldier.

How many demerits does it get or give for you not being “in shape”? Are the consequences severe?

Would you believe that impotence affects nearly 15 million men in American and that current research suggests being overweight increases the risk of developing impotency? Now, what does that tell you?

That’s right Size does matter, at least around the waistline. Current research states that men with waistlines of 42 inches were twice as likely to have erectile problems as men who sport a 32 inch waistline….

In addition to weighing more, these men tend to be less active and more apt to suffer from associated health concerns such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol. All this significantly affects blood flow, not only to the heart but to the “heart” of other “muscle” matters as well…. Size around the waistline can determine “Size” in other areas….

Consequently, your love life is going to take a back seat to the couch, the remote control a cold six pack of beer and watching the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders perform at half time. Your performance reduced to “Spectator”. Alas, no more Gold for the Indoor Olympics. The Lone Ranger is not riding again and Tonto is not about to save your sorry “ass” this time around…. Even “Riding Solo” does not seem to be much of an option…

So where does all this lead? Well, maybe men may start looking at life style choices in a different manner; such as plenty of exercise and a healthy diet now that “Wondering Willie” is at stake. Not that there hasn’t been reason to sit up and take notice before but never underestimate the “impotence” of such decisions when “impotent” consequences are at stake…. It is starting to become personal!

So gals, if he is just too “frisky” for you most of the time and he is always “poken around” when you just want to be “layen around”; stir up a chocolate cake, pop open his favorite beer and sit him down in front of the game with a remote and a large pizza. Chances are it won’t be “Too Long” before his desire will be out “weighted” by his performance, or lack of…. And guys…. Better watch those Sunday afternoon games….

So what’s the answer? There may not be a clear cut answer but it may be worth the effort to turn off the TV, go for a run, and get some cardiovascular. You may just “rise” to the occasion more like you use to….. It will help your health. It will help your attitude. It will help your endurance and sooner that later, you too may be “living large” within a healthy life style and relationship.

So, now that you know what have you to lose; ten inches off your middle? You just might have something to gain…. No, it’s not exponential but don’t you think it is worth the effort.

As some reservation recluse once said, “Shouldn’t we all rise to the occasion if we can?” I think it is better than wishing we could….

The last “Uprising” should not have been at the Little Big Horn in Montana. It could start a little closer to home….

As always, it is a choice….. I’ve made mine….. Now go make yours…..

Monday, June 3, 2013

Prehistoric Link for a Modern Ailment

Dinosaurs and Depression, could this be real?

Well, some scientists think so. Some evidence now supports a human DNA trigger for depression and they are saying it may have also existed in prehistoric animals; that’s right, a genetic “switch”. A “switch” that some believe may be the key to turn on or off genes that control our behavior and our moods. And we really thought we had control……. Is it possible we are all “switched”?

Some scientists believe this discovery may hold the key to unlocking depression and explain why some individual’s are susceptible to this illness while others are not; that’s right, a futuristic, genetic focus with a Jurassic Park twist. With this potentially new understanding of depression, further treatments could be developed which address the causes rather than the symptoms of many mental illnesses.

It appears that this same DNA “switch” may have set into motion the feelings of anxiety and fear in prehistoric man. Originally this “switching” may have been functional and preformed as part of our fight, flight or freeze survival system but in modern day man this “switch” may be needed; therefore, a disorder rather than asset.

It appears the amygdale is the center, the command post you might say where all this “switching” happens; the amygdale is part of the brain where processing and recall of emotional reactions happen. If you wake this puppy up all sorts of “flight or fight” responses take place. Interesting HUH? And we thought we had “choice”.

It truly is a new dawn….. or maybe just a better understanding of how what once was beneficial can now be harmful….. I know, you are thinking about that old relationship you thought was once the answer to all your dreams and now is the cause of all your problems….. OK, that again is yet another topic for yet another time…. Later, not today…..

Today is not about choice, only a little food for thought….. If any of this is really true then maybe we don’t have as much choice” as we once thought….. Now, how is that for a pleasant thought…..? ? NOT! Then again…. Switch on – Switch off!

Until later…… Take responsibility for your Own Happiness Today…. Switch or no switch…. It is a good day after all……  This Reservation Recluse calls it a day...